Dec 16th 2021: Opening Date News

We are very close to our tentative opening date. We will not have enough snow to open Dec 18th as hoped, but we do have good snow in the forecast and feel very hopefully to open shortly after! We will update as soon as we can!

In the mean time, please get your season pass pictures in to

Keep snow dancing and we hope to see you on the Ridge soon!

Pass Sale and other updates

Thank you to everyone that purchased a pass in the early bird sale! The sale ended on Halloween, you can still receive 10% off if you purchase now til opening day!

Opening date is tentatively booked for Dec 18th! As always, this date is fluid. Get snow dancing!

Early bird sale over half over!

Early bird discount ends October 31st. That will be your last day to get 20% off your pass.

Punch passes are only available until opening day. Don’t Miss out! email us today !

Early Bird on sale!

Season pass sale begins tomorrow. All early bird pricing is applicable until October 31st! head to for pricing and order form.

Once the order form is filled out, email it to and we will email you back an invoice with all payment details enclosed. You can also pop into the Fort St James Chamber of Commerce(Tourist info centre) Tue-Thursday to purchase in person.

Please note all punch passes are available only in the pre season sale. All passes sold are final sale, no refunds.

Covid-19 is still with us so you can expect to find health guidelines in place. Masks will be mandatory, and proof of vaccination will be required for entry of our lounge.

As well, sign up to our newsletter to get monthly updates at

Staying up to date when you're not on social media!

We have started an email list for our new monthly newsletter for all those who wish to stay up to date but choose not to use social media. Please click the link below and fill out your details if you wish to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

We aim to issue one newsletter per month, with details on repairs, maintenance, events, pre and off season work bees, volunteer opportunities and updates on anything else we think you may be interested in.

We will not share you information with other parties and you are free to un subscribe anytime with the click of a button.

Our first newsletter will go out this week, and will post monthly thereafter.

Sign Up link

Closing Date News

We are open today, Monday March 22nd,

Closed tue-friday.

Open Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th

March 28th will be our last open day for the season, please make sure lockers are emptied completely and locks removed by that date.