One last kick at the can...

It's not over til it's over! We have two days left on the season, Friday and Saturday.

There's snow to ski, burgers to eat, and beer to drink ! Bring the family up for on last kick at the can. Great weather for kiddos on the bunnyhill which will be free skiing both days.

Lift passes be priced at half day rates. Conditions are soft.

Closing Date updates

Good morning Murray Ridge family!

Alot of people are wondering if we are open this week as planned.. The answer? We don't yet know! We are monitoring conditions as the warm temps are melting things FAST!

We will make a final decision this evening if conditions allow us to safely open or not.

Thank you so much for your patience

Locker information!

All locker rentals must be cleared out by Thursday March 24th 2022. No exceptions. Thank you :)

Bath tub races/Slush cup event: TODAY!

Bath rub racers and slush cup participants! Please come to the rental shop to pay your entry fee and sign your liability waiver. Here is the link . All team members must individually sign a waiver.

Helmets are mandatory for both events.

$10 registration for all participants. CASH ONLY!

Thursday March 17th Paddy's Day!

The end is upon us! We are open this week Thursday to Sunday, lifts run 10-4. We plan to be open next week March 24th -27th, this will remain weather dependent as our snow is melting quickly! Saying that, the conditions on the groomers are beautiful, its a great time to come out to learn to ski or board, or get the little ones out in the mild temps!

Sunday March 13th 2022

Current temp: -3C

NO new snow, fresh tilled runs and a beautiful sunny calm sky! Groomers are in fantastic shape, a perfect weekend for the family!

Saturday March 12th 2022

Rise and Shine its blue bird time!

Fresh snow 8cm

-1C, clear blue skies and fresh groomed runs. Going to be a beautiful day on the ridge! Reminder lifts run 10-4 on weekends. Conditions are excellent for new skiers and riders, email us at to book your lesson today!